
Tue 13th Dec 2005

The meaning of Christmas.

As I sit, alone in my draughty garret, gazing through the dulled windows of my ruined face (will I ever model again?), I have had plenty of time to consider the true meaning of Christmas. Here it is.

Christmas comes from two words: 'Christ' and 'mass'. Christ refers to Jesus Christ - a major figure in Christianity and a minor figure in several other religions, including Islam and Buddhism. 'Mass' or 'mas' is a religious celebration particular to Christianity (originally from the Latin word 'missa').

So - it's a religious celebration dedicated to Christ, generally considered to be his birthday, although it probably isn't, historically. Easy really - I don't know why people spend so much time thinking about it. I just found it on the Internet!

Not quite sure where the stupid paper hats fit in though.